Sunday, June 22, 2008

What a long day!

My dad's birthday was earlier this week so we decided to drive down and visit him today. Before we got there we stopped off at Target (yep my favorite store) I spent about $50.00 and came home with over $200.00 worth of stuff including diapers, wipes, a pair of shoes for Mia and the cutest little princess dragon trash can. While I was shopping around Del picked up a couple Red-Tail Boas from a lady. They are some dang big snakes.

After visiting my family we went to see Del's family.

Then we went shopping at the mall. I love Bath & Body Works and Gymboree especially when they are having great sales. Ok I love any store that is having a great sale.

I bought Mia the cutest dress for the 4th of July at Macy's so now I need to find something to do on the 4th.

Then it was off to toy r us. I decided it was time to buy a booster seat and a potty chair.